In recent years, science has focused much attention on the effects of intestinal flora on our health, being increasingly aware of its importance.

Now, scientists Mayara Grizotte-Lake, Guo Zhong, Kellyanne Duncan, Irina Smolenski, Nina Isoherranen, Jay Kirkwood, Namrata Iyer and Shipra Vaishnava, from Brown University, in the United States, have discovered that there is a more than important relationship between the bacterial flora and our immune system and inflammation. This opens the door to new methods of research in the face of a great diversity of diseases, such as Crohn’s.

In their work, the researchers discovered that the microorganisms that live in our intestine and that have a symbiotic relationship with us (for our part, we provide them with an appropriate ecosystem for their survival and the nutrients they need, and they perform fundamental works that do not we can carry out on our own) they also have the ability to regulate our immune system.

This is because, ready as our body is, capable of identifying and remembering threats to be able to neutralize them, it also tends to attack organisms that are not, at all, harmful.

But it turns out that the microbiota (healthy) is able to coexist peacefully with our immune system.

Scientists have discovered that bacteria are able to regulate the amount of vitamin A inside our digestive tract, which has a direct influence on the activity of the defenses.

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