IGEN BIOTECH is a clinical-stage research company developing, among others, novel therapeutical formulations for treatment and prevention of diseases related to the human microbiome dysfunction.

IGEN BIOTECH is proprietary of several different protein profiles, peptides and amino acids of microbial origin used as active ingredient in a pharmaceutical formulation capable to induce an antitumor response, for the treatment of advanced metastatic solid tumors.

So far two multicenter studies are ongoing. One study in Colorectal Cancer and the second one in Lung Cancer patients in a clinical advanced late stage, phase II, comparative, randomized both. Patients are under best standard of care plus/minus IGEN BIOTECH formulation with primary objective of Quality of Life and overall survival. Clinical and radiological response, nutritional/biochemical markers and microbiota variations will be also measured.

We are also seeking to develop a new therapeutic and prevention clinical studies including:

  • Intestinal Bowel Disease.
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders.
  • Obesity.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  • Lateral Amyotrophic Sclerosis.